A recent report has revealed that Grayson Waller could feature in a segment with a WWE legend this Saturday at WWE SummerSlam 2023. This has led many to speculate that former Universal Champion Goldberg could return to confront Waller at the premium live event.
While you can never say never in WWE, the chances of Bill Goldberg returning at SummerSlam look very dismal. Given that the 56-year-old legend is no longer under contract with the Stamford-based promotion, Goldberg making a comeback to face off against the SmackDown star looks highly unlikely.
Meanwhile, Grayson Waller has fired verbal volleys at several WWE legends. Apart from mocking The Undertaker, the 33-year-old star took several shots at The Rock in a recent interview before inviting him on his talk show, "The Grayson Waller Effect."
With both Taker and The Rock rumored to make a surprise appearance at The Biggest Party of the Summer, it wouldn't be surprising if the company has either of the two legends return to give Waller a major rub.
Goldberg called out WWE for breaking its promise
In an earlier interview, Goldberg called out the Stamford-based company for breaking its promise to give him a proper retirement match.
Speaking to Adam Carriker on 93.7 The Ticket, the veteran revealed that Vince McMahon had promised him a proper retirement match following his loss against Roman Reigns at Elimination Chamber 2022. However, it never came to fruition.
"Vince McMahon and I had a handshake understanding that, you know, after the Roman Reigns match I would have a proper retirement match. And, you know, that hasn't come to fruition through them. So, therefore... You know, nobody puts a stamp on my career. Nobody tells me when I'm done, period. When somebody tells me that, you know, I kinda like to fight against it. I like to do things my own way and I go out my own way. And I certainly don't go out, you know, under Roman Reigns, you know, three weeks after I've had Covid and agreed to a match."Given that WWE hasn't renewed Goldberg's contract, it will be interesting to see what the future holds for the 56-year-old legend. While a potential return at SummerSlam seems too far-fetched, he may return to the Stamford-based promotion in the future for one last match. Will that happen? Only time will tell.
Do you want Goldberg to return at SummerSlam 2023? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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