I hope I don’t sound too nasty, but did this bitch just spend her entire pre-jail time doing photo shoots? Is Lindsay Lohan just a cracked-out model at this point? So, yes, Lindsay somehow managed to do a photo shoot for the cover of September’s Maxim magazine – this is in addition to her GQ Germany photo shoot, her Vanity Fair photo shoot (for the October cover) and her Complex magazine shoot. She loves to have her picture taken. She lives to be cracked-out in front of a camera. As for the actual Maxim photos, eh. They Photoshopped her face to look less cracked-out, and she almost looks natural and pretty. She also gave an interview! Let’s see how she sounds:
On her incarceration:
“I am feeling strong. I’ve experienced a lot in my life, and my mom has given me a lot of faith. This too shall pass.”
Her goal:
“To focus on myself and my work, and to move all press on me to focus on the work I do. Also, I’d like to do more work in India and travel to Malawi.”
Her personal motto:
“Stay true to yourself always. At the end of the day, you have to look at yourself in the mirror and be content with the choices you’ve made, and will make, in your life. Go with your gut!”
On the past year of cracked-out shenanigans: “Another year in a lifetime of living and learning.”
On her inspiration: “Sex appeal and sensuality … without trying too hard. I feel that women have such power with their bodies alone.”
[From HuffPo and Hollyscoop]
Yes, delusional as always. That’s our crackhead! Lindsay also discussed her role in Inferno, where she will be playing Lindsa Lovelace. Although there have been some rumors that Lindsay will be replaced, producers came out yesterday and said that the part is still Lindsay’s. Lindsay spoke about playing Lovelace in Maxim as well: “”I don’t really want to discuss anything until I am on set… I need some secrets.”
Photos courtesy of HuffPo