Created by Jade and Keoni Teta, New Me Diet is an amazing weight loss diet program which will shed extra pounds from your body at a very fast pace. Teta brothers contend, obesity is not just a problem which makes you look shabby; it also makes your body become host of harmful diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension, and several others.
Bringing balance in the release of hormones, which play vital role in controlling your metabolism, is the main objective of the diet program. Foods have greatest controlling power over your hormones, and the rein of feeding healthy and nutritious foods to your body is in your hands.
You can drive the hormones in your body according to your requirement and can attain desired results by eating healthy foods. Apart from revving up your metabolism, the diet plan will also melt away minimum fifteen pounds from your body in three weeks.
What The New Me Diet Plan is?
The new me diet plan is high fiber and high protein diet program which will develop healthy eating habits in you. Teta brothers assert, you cannot attain slender body shape by suppressing your desire to have foods, or by eliminating lots of foods from your diet regime. For losing weight, you rather need to rely on eating right foods.
The diet plan has put fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts and seeds etc. into category of right foods. Dieters are advised to consume them in enormous quantity. These foods will accelerate certain hormones which further will boost your metabolism and will kick start fat burning process in your body.
The new me diet plan offers personalized diet program which will identify the type of metabolism you have, and depending on that will design the diet solution for you.
Three Types of Metabolism
Three types of metabolism have mainly been recognized by new me diet program. There is a set of questionnaire in the diet program; your answers to the questions will determine your metabolism type. Let’s have a look at all the three types of metabolism.
Sugar Burner – People having sugar burner metabolism crave for sugary foods, coffee, caffeine etc. all the while. They generally have fats piled up all over their bodies and are more susceptible of becoming victim of heart diseases and type 2 diabetes.
Muscle Burner – People belonging to muscle burner category also get strong yearning to consume sweet foods. These people have slim yet flabby body shapes.
Mixed Burner or Fat Burner – People belonging to this category have their metabolism working in sync with their lifestyle.
Prohibited Foods of New Me Diet
The new me diet program has strictly prohibited consumption of some foods, let’s find out what they are.
- All the foods containing refined sugar
- Carb containing foods having high glycemic index
- Fatty foods having high content of saturated fats
- All kinds of alcoholic beverages
Why Mostly Diet Plans Fail?
Teta brothers have provided logical reasoning answering why most of the diet programs fail. Well, the reason is, there are numerous fat cells in your body, and even after losing weight, these fat cells remain stored in the same way in your body.
While going along with various restrictive diet programs, these fat cells become hollow and get devoid of fats. But after three or four months, when you revert to your normal diet regime, these fat cells again begin getting filled with fats and you retrieve all the lost weight.
To transform all the fat cells with new cells, you need to retain the lost weight for minimum two years. Mostly diet plans promise to quickly melt away pounds from your body. It’s easy for your body to lose weight, but retaining the lost weight is the most challenging task for your body.
Why Drink a Lot of Water in a Day?
Teta brothers ask its dieters to drink immense amount of water in a day. Water is essential for meeting plenty of body functions. For example, 1.6 liters of water gets utilized by your digestive system for performing its daily functions. 800 ml of water is required to stimulate development of new cells in your body.
And 600 ml of water is lost by your body in the form of tears and sweat. In addition to that, water also transports all the broken fat cells to kidney so they can be flushed out through bladder. These are just a glimpse of some of the functions performed by water in your body. So, don’t shirk from drinking water, and drink water even when you don’t feel thirsty.
Workouts in New Me Diet
New me diet program has named workouts as metabolic spark workout, and has included strength training and interval training under the program. However, these are just common exercise types. Workout regime of dieters will mainly be tailored on the basis of their metabolism type.
Dieters need to do workouts for thirty minutes in a day and three days in a week. Besides that, they are also recommended to take brisk walk for thirty to sixty minutes in a day. Physical activities are effective in triggering your metabolism.
Sample Meal Plan
The New me diet plan insists on consumption of five to six small meals in a day. Several small meals in a day will not let you feel hungry and will keep control on your cravings.
Dieters need to have their foods as per the recommendations made by diet solution for five days in a week. And for rest two days, they are free to eat what they wish to. Provision of these two days will assist dieters in winning over their cravings. Let’s have a look at one of the sample meal plans of diet program.
You can have whey protein smoothie, egg whites, fruits etc. in your breakfast.
Morning Snack
You can have one piece of fruit such as apple, grapefruit, pear, or handful of almonds etc. in your morning snack.
You can have big green salad with balsamic vinaigrette and chicken, legumes, whole grains etc. in your lunch.
Afternoon Snack
You can have celery with two to three tablespoons of peanut butter, non-fat yogurt etc. in your afternoon snack.
You can have baked sweet potato, chicken burger, steamed broccoli, asparagus etc. in your dinner.
Evening Snack
You can have blueberries, handful of walnuts, whey protein etc. in your evening snack.