League of Legends mythos add to the game's intrigue, and the thematic champion skins based on these stories give players an appealing and realistic experience.
Every champion skin has its own backstory that draws from the alternate realms of League of Legends lore. This motivates players to purchase the skins of their preferred champions and use them in the Summoner's Rift.
Over the years, League of Legends developers have created a ton of skins, each of which is distinctive in its own style. Some increase the cuteness of champions tenfold, while others transform them into unearthly, enigmatic beings.
However, players sometimes struggle to select the perfect skin for their respective champions. Many wind up purchasing random skins for their preferred champions after viewing their eye-catching splash art, only to be let down.
Choosing a skin solely based on visual effects and old designs can also be misleading, as Riot frequently tweaks the champion skins.
In order to let players properly enjoy the overall visual aspects of League of Legends, including their in-game mechanics while exploring the Summoner's map, here is a list of 7 excellent champion skins and their respective costs.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.
Spirit Guard Udyr and 6 other top skins to buy in League of Legends
7) Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol
Players who are relatively new to League of Legends may not be familiar with the story of Ao Shin. Riot hinted at it as a champion idea back in 2016. But despite how fantastic it sounded, it was sadly dropped.
Players have been pleading with Riot to bring Ao Shin back ever since. In 2020, Riot finally gifted the community with not Ao Shin but a Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol skin, which is essentially a cosplay of Ao Shin.
Besides being iconic, the skin is fun to play with because of its abundance of eye-catching particle effects, potent sound effects, and smooth animations. According to Storm Dragon A Sol Lore:
"The dragon Aurelion Sol, known to seven generations of worshippers as Ao Shin, has long awaited the ascent of a warrior worthy of receiving the power of the storm. Now, with Lee Sin's transformation into the Dragonmancer, Ao Shin has directed his impossible power towards purging the world of evil."Price - 1350 RP
6) Empyrean Pyke
Essentially, the Psyops and Dark Cosmic skin lines' finest traits are combined in the Empyrean skin line. It should therefore come as no surprise that the Empyrean skins are among the best Riot has ever produced, especially considering how remarkable those thematics are on their own.
Empyrean Pyke triumphs over all the other skins in the series. Due to the skin's flawlessness, jaw-dropping beauty, and abundance of mesmerizing colors, one genuinely feels extremely powerful.
The ultimate (Death From Below) in this particular skin is a genuine showstopper and gives one the impression of having the power to destroy the entire universe(s). According to Empyrean Pyke Lore:
"Pyke remembers little before falling into the embrace of the Foreglow, only that he was defending his home. Waking in a new realm as the first Empyrean, he hears the whispers of other Pykes across the dimensions, taunting him from their homes. Why was his lost and not theirs? No answer will satisfy his searing rage, except vengeance."Price - 1820 RP
6) Star Guardian Kai'Sa
With an anime-style hairdo, a sailor costume, and tons of frills, ribbons, and bows, this gorgeous skin turns Kai'Sa into the ideal magical girl. Players even receive a cuddly bunny companion (medium) that helps them in battle, and the animations are dripping with pink hues and glitter.
There are also multiple fantastic show allusions, such as how Star Guardian Kai'Sa's recall is essentially a duplicate of the Sailor Moon transformation scene. According to League of Legends Lore:
"A natural born leader and defender of the weak, Kai’Sa idolizes the Star Guardians as well as all that they stand for. Though she might be trying a bit too hard (perhaps to the point of ignoring some of her friendships), her heart burns with the desire to help others, and she'd do anything protect the world from darkness."Price - 1350 RP
5) Coven Evelynn
With the help of this skin, Evelynn gets visually transformed into a demonic sorceress possessing eerie voice lines, dark animations, and blood-curdling sound effects at her discretion.
The whole aesthetics of Coven Evelynn is occultist perfection at its purest, and it honors League of Legends' Agony's Embrace for who she is at her core: stunning but lethal. And to top it off, the fantastic chromas this skin has in plenty is highly appreciable. According to League of Legends Lore:
"The covens of the south join their sisters for the great resurrection, as old things stir once more, and old grudges are at last repaid in full. Evelynn, daughter of the Great Harrier, gladly joins her sisters for the darkness to come—a trail of brutality and death always in her wake."Price - 1820 RP
4) High Noon Leona
The High Noon Leona skin gives players the vibes of the ultimate Badass Cowgirl. Her expression epitomizes the phrase "if looks could kill," and her skin is the ideal fusion of western, gothic, and steampunk.
Equally breathtaking are the animations. Nothing feels awkward or out of place, and each strike feels like hellfire has supercharged her blade. The sound effects also give the movie some much-needed punch.
However, what qualifies High Noon Leona for this list is that players get to ride a demonic horse on recall, an unrivaled experience. According to High Noon Leona's League of Legends Lore:
"The Lady of House Solari lifts her chin against the scorching wind. Ahead lies her family's salvation: the Sulfur Rail, carrying the stolen family fortune, churning across the desert. The only thing that stands in her way is the Mechanical Devil himself. Her sword hums like cicadas in the gloaming. The butterflies gather. Time for the Harbingers to ride."Price - 1820 RP
3) PROJECT: Vayne
This skin does Vayne's stern demeanor real justice. She becomes a cyberpunk-style vigilante with mecha armor, futuristic weapons, and a holographic mask that enables her to identify her adversaries' weak points.
PROJECT: Vayne's skin animations are just as striking as her character model. Every strike, especially her ult, gives players the impression of complete destruction of even the tanky opponents.
But the opportunity to ride a motorcycle around the Rift on recall makes PROJECT: Vayne so unique and satisfying. According to PROJECT: Vayne Lore:
"Augmented with classified tech, Vayne was once a member of PROJECT's counter-espionage unit. After she was betrayed by the corporation she served, she now stalks the shadows as a vigilante, searching for ways to break PROJECT and the technology that haunts her soul."Price - 1820 RP
2) Elementalist Lux
One of League of Legends' oldest and most beautiful skins is Elementalist Lux. It is one of the few Ultimate skins available in the game and has distinctive animated elements. The skin provides all eight variations of the game's elementals.
The skin animation of Elementalist Lux displays effects such as flying with her magic wand and dancing in two of her current elemental forms. Her League of Legends lore states:
"A kingdom hangs on the edge of ruin as an army of titanic elemental beasts wage war on humanity. The last line of defense is held by a lone warrior queen, Elementalist Lux. To save her people, she must look within and reveal her true nature...no matter what form it takes."Price- 3250 RP.
1) Spirit Guard Udyr
Spirit Guard Udyr has consistently had a respectable ultimate skin in League of Legends. It couldn't, however, compete with Elementalist Lux until recently.
Arguably the best skin to adorn the Summoner's Rift is now Spirit Guard Udyr, thanks to Riot's rework on the Spirit Walker and the polishing of all his skins. Each and every form is distinct, vibrant, and exquisitely pays tribute to its animal soul.
Additionally, the attack animations have an incredibly clean and polished vibe, which undoubtedly helps players gain LP in ranked battles. This skin's recall animation is a true work of art, with all his character components skillfully merged into one. Spirit Guard Udyr Lore states:
"Udyr's time in Ionia, training at Hirana Monastery, taught him control and calmed the storm in his heart. Though the Freljord called him home, Udyr chose to stay and help Ionia regain spiritual harmony, as it had done for him. As he gets closer to this goal, he knows that his work to do the same for the whole of Runeterra has only just begun."Price - 3250 RP
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