God of War Ragnarok has one of the most intricate combat systems in video games, which stems from its use of different weapons, abilities, companions, magic, and other factors.
While it does incorporate many aspects of the hack-and-slash genre that were present in the older games, the change to the action-adventure type that was introduced in 2018’s title has made the combat a tad bit more technical.
One of the best things that have come with the switch to action-adventure is the player’s ability to craft new weapons, items, armor, and even abilities.
In addition to this, they can upgrade all their gear and make it strong enough to face, well, stronger enemies. This is helpful as both Kratos and the many evil mobs that populate the nine realms have a character level that defines how strong they are.
Another feature that is massively integral to the protagonist’s overall character build is the many stats that players can tweak. This article will go over each of them and provide a guide as to which ones they should focus on the most.
God of War Ragnarok: A guide to character stats and upgrades
There are six character stats in God of War Ragnarok, namely Strength, Defense, Runic, Vitality, Luck, and Cooldown. Each of them contributes to different aspects of the protagonist’s build. Let us now see what each stat consists of.
1) Strength
Strength is one of the easiest stats to understand. It increases the damage output that Kratos gives, which is an immensely important aspect of the player’s build.
The world of God of War Ragnarok is filled with all manner of dangerous creatures, and having the most amount of damage can’t hurt. This basically means finishing each fight as quickly as possible by dealing a large amount of damage per hit. Upgrading your weapons and armor, and equipping damage and attack-based enchantments can massively increase Strength.
2) Defense
The Defense stat regulates the number of hits that Kratos can take before succumbing to the incoming damage. If the protagonist’s Defense stat is high, players will have more time to plan their attacks and execute them without the risk of dying.
Leveling it up is especially useful for those who aren't very proficient in dodging and rolling to avoid incoming attacks.
3) Runic
This stat defines the abilities that Kratos obtains from his runic attacks. Each weapon in God of War Ragnarok has its own set of such moves, with all of them being upgradeable. Leveling up a runic attack depends on what type of output you want the weapon to inflict. Players can usually choose between raw damage, elemental effects, and stun.
These runic attacks usually deal a large amount of damage and are especially useful in boss fights. In addition to this, there are many gear sets in the game that increase the amount of damage dealt by runic attacks.
4) Vitality
Vitality allows Kratos to increase his maximum health. Increasing the overall bar provides players with benefits like increased resistance to attacks that can break their guard or interrupt their attacks.
Many armor sets and enchantments are made specifically for the Vitality stat, increasing its value and thus contributing to the player’s overall build. It is one of the best stats to level up in God of War Ragnarok, especially when playing at higher difficulties.
5) Luck
Luck is the only stat in God of War Ragnarok that isn’t fully associated with combat. It has multiple benefits for the player, some of which include a number of enemy drops that are greater than usual and a higher chance of finding increased loot in general.
For example, players can get more hacksilver, crafting components, health stones, materials, and rage stones while traveling throughout the nine realms. The best time to upgrade the Luck stat is when they're running low on crafting ingredients or other important components.
6) Cooldown
Cooldown is a feature that can be found in many video games. It governs the time that is required for abilities or skills to recharge so that they may be used again. In God of War Ragnarok, this pertains to Kratos’ runic attacks and enchantments.
Each runic attack has a different cooldown time, which is usually governed on the basis of how powerful it is. Players who love to use these moves should definitely invest in leveling up this stat.
There is no stat in God of War Ragnarok that is better than the other five. Each helps the player construct a specialized build that focuses on a few aspects of God of War Ragnarok's gameplay. They must consider their playstyle and then choose which stat they want to level up.
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