A brand new episode of Jeopardy! High School Reunion Tournament 2023 aired on Thursday, February 23, 2023, featuring three college students.
The franchise’s latest competition welcomes former teen contestants who first appeared when they were in high school. A total of nine quarterfinals are set to be conducted, followed by three semifinals, and one final round.
The three-week-long tournament will end in the second week of March 2023. The champion will receive $100,000 cash and a seat in the Tournament of Champions.
In Episode 3, the players were Shriya Yarlagadda, a sophomore at Harvard University from Grand Blanc, Michigan, Justin Bolsen, a first-year student at Brown University from Canton, Georgia, and Teagan O’Sullivan, a first-year student at American University from Watertown, Massachusetts.
Today's Jeopardy! winner is Justin Bolsen
The third episode of High School Reunion Tournament witnessed a tough match between Justin Bolsen and Shriya Yarlagadda.
In the first round, the categories included “Greek Life; Fashion; State Capitals; Eight Is Enough; College Football; Post-Graduation.”
Despite attempting the maximum number of questions, Justin landed in second place in the first round. Shriya took the lead as she answered high-valued questions — nine correct and one incorrect.
Justin, on the other hand, gave 11 right and two incorrect answers, but the price value of most of the questions he attempted was low. The first Daily Double went to Teagan O’Sullivan, who gave the wrong answer and ended up in third place.
The total scores of the players in the first round were: Shriya at $5,600, Justin at $2,600, and Teagan at $1,000.
The categories of the second round in the Mayim Bialik-hosted episode included “Astronomy & Space, You Seem Upset, Authors’ Alma Maters, Old History, Annual Events, Fight Songs.”
Results changed in the Double Jeopardy! round. Shriya was initially leading the game until Justin found a Daily Double. He wagered all his earnings and fortunately won the segment, which meant his wagering amount doubled and he took the lead. He was around $10,000 ahead of Shriya, while Teagan ranked third.
The second round’s scores of the contestants were Justin at $22,400, Shriya at $11,600, and Teagan at $8,600.
In the Final Jeopardy round, all three players gave the correct answer to the final question. Shriya could have won the game if she had wagered all her money. But she didn’t do so and thus lost the first rank by just $1,622. Justin topped the scoreboard, followed by Shriya in second place, and Teagan in third place.
Hence, Justin Bolsen won Jeopardy! today.
Final Jeopardy! results today
In the February 23 episode, the category for the final round was “Famous Names.” The final question, in the form of a clue, read:
“For a special 1970s cookbook, he provided one simple recipe–a can of Campbell’s tomato soup & 2 cans of milk.”The answer to the final clue was “Andy Warhol.”
All three players answered the final question correctly. Take a look at the final results of Jeopardy! High School Reunion Tournament Episode 3:
Justin Bolsen: $22,400 + $823 = $23,223 (Who is Andy Warhol hi mom) (1-day total: $23,223)
Shriya Yarlagadda: $11,600 + $10,001 = $21,601 (Who is Warhol?
Teagan O’Sullivan: $8,600 + $3,002 = $11,602 (Who is Warhol?)
Justin won today’s game and advanced to the semifinals. So far, the show has received four semifinalists, including Justin. The remaining three players are Maya Wright, Avi Gupta, and Stephanie Pierson.
The tournament of the syndicated game show will return with a new episode on Friday, February 24, 2023.
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